Weight Gain In Perimenopause
You’ve hit midlife, and suddenly, your weight feels more like an issue than ever before. The scale is creeping up, your clothes feel tighter, and the usual diet tricks just aren’t working anymore. It’s a familiar story, but focusing solely on weight loss as your...
Why More Willpower Isn’t the Answer to Healthier Eating or What is Stopping You
As a dietitian, one of the biggest client frustrations I hear is, “I know what I should be eating, but I just can’t do it.” The problem isn’t often a lack of general information, but situationally specific information, and...
Do You Struggle With Consistent Motivation?
You might start out a new goal with a hiss and a roar but soon run out of motivation to keep going. Stay tuned to find out what drives motivation and strategies to boost yours. When it comes to making lasting changes, motivation takes work. It isn’t just...
Kendall North
Kendall is a leading NZ registered dietitian, integrating her extensive professional background; spanning health, nutrition, fitness, education, & culinary specialties. Now a specialist behaviour change coach, educator, & presenter in the health & nutrition field, her passion for helping people has never been greater.
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